The tournament is a 9 Round Swiss System.
Players could apply 2 byes which gives a half point if asked before the pairing of the first round, and they are valid for the first 2 rounds.
Byes after round two will give a zero point.
Time control is 90 minutes, with increment 30 seconds / from move one to finish the complete game.
Player who don’t show up without plausible reason will be disqualified.
If the player don’t show up, without the arbiters permission, within 30minutes after the official starting time, the game will be lost.
It is an open tournament, so every chess player who is a member of the FPX can participate.
The tournament is FIDE rated.
After the initial registration the organisation will confirm particpation. Registration is final after the payment of the subscription fee.
Registrations will be limited to the number of existing seats and can be made from this date until 22 oktober 2023.
The following criteria shall be applied if two or more players finish with the same number of points. First the direct encounter (if all tied players have played each other). Second the ARPO system, that means the average performance of opponents. Third the highest number of victories, excluding by “Forfeit” and Fourth the Bucholz system without the worse result.
Electric devices like mobile phones are forbidden in the playing venue. Paricipants should leave their electric devices in a special location stored by the organisation. It will not be allowed to analyse the finished games, neither smoke nor eat in the playing area.
By taking part every players automatically give permission to the organisation to make photos or video to use it for publicity on internet and social-media and classical media.
The organisation have the right to refuse someone to enter the playing venue and to rule out players from the tournament.
This text is a translation of the Portuguese version of the regulations, which is the dominated one.